MindSHIFT, Money, & Magic
LIVE 3-Day Challenge!!!
Beat Stagflation and Gain the Edge
It is successful people who are able to SHIFT your thinking, not those who set their minds on something...
((So You Can Reach Your Financial Dreams Faster, No Matter How Weird the Economy Gets...))
October 12th, 2022 at 4 pm PST!
A Mindset is one that is rigid...BUT a MindSHIFT is one where great possibilities are found.
These are shortcuts to living a life of miracles, MUCH more prosperity and magic...
Do you want to know the real scoop?
The sky is not falling, life as we know it isn’t in peril—and NOW might be better than ever for gaining that edge!
As Robert Kiyosaki says: The best time of all - when building a business during any recession (that's happening right now) --to get your mind shifted into gear and do those things “in the right direction."
What's really happening right now is a massive wealth transfer. In other words, in every recession or time of upheaval, wealth transfers from those who are unprepared to those "in the know."
To get on the right side of this wealth transfer, it's really more about having good financial education.
It's about gaining your unique edge to handling whatever is coming at you - mindwise and prosperity wise.
Are YOU ready with me on this journey to gain the edge towards success, and "get in the know"…especially since everyone else seems so eager to run away from their problems instead?!
Earlier today I wasn't sure what I wanted to achieve and now I know. Thank You for getting that out of me!
-- Hana
Thank you so much for today!!!
It was so very perfect for me.
-- Kate
This is so awesome of you to put together and share all this wonderful information with us. So grateful for this opportunity!! 💕🌺
-- Denise
I love these challenges. There’s something truly magical about them. I remember all the ones you did through thick of covid. I think these were a huge part of my health and success during that time.
Thank you this has been awesome 🙏💜🙏💜🙏
-- Michelle
Wow! I get so “stressed”, and never thought about the good stress turning bad. New perspective on taking action on the ideas!! Thank u!!❤️💕😊
-- Angela
Just as you are what you eat, what you feed your brain is so important.
With all the news and media telling us how bad things are supposed to be economically, the Prosperity Challenge has been an amazing way to reframe our mindset, help us curate our thoughts and create a completely different reality.
-- Susan
What You Will Receive...
Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, and energetic thought leader. Energetic Solutions® was founded to help entrepreneurs and individuals alike to achieve amazing results using uncommon ancient principles. Most people call her their
Spiritual Business Warrior
She has helped over 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEO's and leaders achieve freedom, flow in the business and life. When entrepreneurs feel they can’t go further amid challenges and multiple odds, Sheevaun’s techniques and principles bring clarity, simplicity and profits. Her clients are rewarded with the ability to become that extra force they need to succeed.
Having gone through the travails of the her own near death experience and surviving the Pharmaceutical industry, Sheevaun understands this high value targets and intense pressure to achieve the result perfectly well and has been able combine her corporate experience, rapid growth expertise and also a uniquely different approach to lift entrepreneurs from the dredges of sick of it all, stuck and stagnation.
She uses business building combined with energetic techniques and principles to help one accelerate and innovate. This unique methodology helps bring instant focusing and shifts to clarity, purpose and profits while in contribution.
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